VEDAIR Insurance
First on the Scene after a Disaster
Todays insurance industry is constantly battling to process claims quickly after a disaster or accident. Our service eliminates one factor that insurance companies have struggled with since their inception, Timing! The time it takes an insurance adjuster to make it to a claim location can be days to weeks. After a major event that has affected large areas, the insurance adjusters are bogged down. By pairing with the claims adjustment departments of major insurance companies we provide a QUICK, SAFE and AFFORDABLE way to get actionable information to the insurance provider shortly after a claim is filed.
Roof Inspection without the Risk
Damage from natural disasters is quickly mapped, including the ability of a 3D view, measurements and flooding damage.
The standard in roof inspection reporting is Benchmark Aerial which uses a proprietary software to create useful and accurate roof analysis.
We have teamed with Aerial Benchmark to provide industry leading roof assessment reports to insurance adjusters, roofing companies, and business owners.
Damage from natural disasters is quickly mapped, including the ability of a 3D view, measurements and flooding damage.
Accessibility is overcome by the use of aerial systems that enable the operator to stay clear of hazards, eliminate the need for working at heights, and geo-stamp the products.